
Products are what customers come for to an online store or marketplace. Administrators can create, update, or delete products; customers see those products on the storefront (not through API) and can buy them. In API, a product can become a part of Cart or Order.

Some similar products (those that have different variants of a specific Product Feature) can become Product Variations through Product Variation Groups. That allows customers to select the desired product feature on the storefront, and go to the page of specific variation.

List All Products

To get a list of products, send a GET request to /api/products/:

GET /api/products/

The number of the returned products is determined by the items_per_page parameter. Its value can be changed in Admin panel in Settings → Appearance in the Elements per page setting or through an API request.

To refer to all products of a particular Category send a GET request to /api/categories/:id/products/:

GET /api/categories/166/products/

Pagination, Sorting and Filtering

Add these parameters to the path to specify which products will be returned in the response and how they will be organized.


The Connect Marketplace REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Default value column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Parameter Default value Description
page 1 The response to GET /api/products/ is a page with a limited number of products. This parameter determines the number of the page that will be sent in the response.
items_per_page “Elements per page” value Determines the number of products on a page.
sort_by product Determines the parameter by which the products are sorted in the response: date, status, list_price, product, price, code, amount
sort_order asc
Determines the sorting order:
List price—searches products with a specific “List price”. If a product has a higher list price than price, then the difference will be considered a discount.
Price—searches only base product price in your store’s primary currency.
Product name—searches the name of the product as it appears on the storefront and in the Administration panel.
Product code—a sorting parameter that searches the identifier of the product that you use in your store.
In stock—searches the number of products in the stock.
Product name—searches the name of the product as it appears on the storefront and in the Administration panel.
Searches a short product description which appears on the product list on the storefront.
Searches for products with a specific word or a part of phrase in their “Full description”.
Meta keywords—searches for a list of search keywords that appear on the product page.
A parameter used to filter the identifier of the product that you use in your store.
A parameter used to filter the categories that the product will be assigned to.
Include subcategories of the given category (the cid filter must be used) in the search scope:
Searches only for products that have an equal or lower “amount” (product quantity).
Searches only for products that have an equal or higher “amount” (product quantity).
Searches only for products that have an equal or higher “Price”.
Searches only for products that have an equal or lower “Price”.
Comma-separated list of of the order IDs to search the products in:


Searches only for Products with enabled or disabled Free shipping.
Searches for product with statuses:
A for Active
D for Disabled
H for Hidden
Searches for products with the specified age limit only.
Searches for products with the age verification and allows to filter them based on the values:
Searches for products with a specific age warning message.
Filters products:
P—a Product which appears on the storefront as separate products
V—a main Product Variation which appears on the storefront as one product
Searches only for returnable or non-returnable products.
Y—The product is labeled as available for the return.
N—The product is not available for the return.


Store Builder Send a GET request to /api/stores/<company_id>/products/
Multi-Vendor Send a GET request to api/vendors/<vendor_id>/products
  • GET /api/stores/1/products?price_from=10&sort_by=product&sort_order=asc&pname=foo

    Response is an array of all products of the 1st store, with ‘foo’ in their full description, costing over $10, and sorting by product name from A to Z.

  • GET /api/vendors/1/products?page=5&items_per_page=20

    Response is an array of 20 products of a particular vendor from the 5th Products page.

  • GET api/products?sort_by=amount&sort_order=desc

    Response is an array of all products sorted by quantity in a descending order.

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET /api/products?items_per_page=2

The response is JSON with the following data:

        "product_id": "12",
        "product": "100g Pants",
        "product_type": "P",
        "parent_product_id": "0",
        "product_code": "U0012O5AF0",
        "status": "A",
        "company_id": "1",
        "list_price": "31.00",
        "amount": "10",
        "weight": "0.000",
        "length": "0",
        "width": "0",
        "height": "0",
        "shipping_freight": "0.00",
        "low_avail_limit": "0",
        "timestamp": "1328558400",
        "updated_timestamp": "1383893547",
        "usergroup_ids": "0",
        "is_edp": "N",
        "edp_shipping": "N",
        "unlimited_download": "N",
        "tracking": "B",
        "free_shipping": "N",
        "zero_price_action": "R",
        "is_pbp": "Y",
        "is_op": "N",
        "is_oper": "N",
        "is_returnable": "Y",
        "return_period": "10",
        "avail_since": "0",
        "out_of_stock_actions": "N",
        "localization": "",
        "min_qty": "0",
        "max_qty": "0",
        "qty_step": "0",
        "list_qty_count": "0",
        "tax_ids": "6",
        "age_verification": "N",
        "age_limit": "0",
        "options_type": "P",
        "exceptions_type": "F",
        "details_layout": "default",
        "shipping_params": "a:5:{s:16:\"min_items_in_box\";i:0;s:16:\"max_items_in_box\";i:0;s:10:\"box_length\";i:0;s:9:\"box_width\";i:0;s:10:\"box_height\";i:0;}",
        "price": "30.00",
        "seo_name": "100g-pants",
        "seo_path": "223/224",
        "main_category": 224,
        "options_type_raw": null,
        "exceptions_type_raw": null,
        "tracking_raw": null,
        "zero_price_action_raw": null,
        "min_qty_raw": null,
        "max_qty_raw": null,
        "qty_step_raw": null,
        "list_qty_count_raw": null,
        "details_layout_raw": "default",
            "pair_id": "823",
            "image_id": "0",
            "detailed_id": "879",
            "position": "0",
            "object_id": "12",
            "object_type": "product",
                "object_id": "12",
                "object_type": "product",
                "type": "M",
                "image_path": "",
                "alt": "",
                "image_x": "500",
                "image_y": "500",
                "http_image_path": "",
                "https_image_path": "",
                "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/",
                "relative_path": "detailed/0/173283_0113298267324f438bac97eaf.jpg",
                "is_high_res": false
        "base_price": "30.00",
        "has_options": true,
        "list_discount": 1,
        "list_discount_prc": "3",
            "A": 0,
            "P": 0
                "feature_id": "18",
                "value": "",
                "value_int": null,
                "variant_id": "86",
                "feature_type": "E",
                "internal_name": "Brand",
                "description": "Brand",
                "prefix": "",
                "suffix": "",
                "variant": "Adidas",
                "parent_id": "0",
                "display_on_header": "Y",
                "display_on_catalog": "N",
                "display_on_product": "N",
                "feature_code": "",
                "purpose": "organize_catalog",
                "features_hash": "10-86",
                        "value": "",
                        "value_int": null,
                        "variant_id": "86",
                        "variant": "Adidas",
                            "pair_id": "875",
                            "image_id": "1006",
                            "detailed_id": "0",
                            "position": "0",
                            "object_id": "86",
                            "object_type": "feature_variant",
                                "image_path": "",
                                "alt": "",
                                "image_x": "200",
                                "image_y": "133",
                                "http_image_path": "",
                                "https_image_path": "",
                                "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/",
                                "relative_path": "feature_variant/1/Adidas_Logo.svg.png",
                                "is_high_res": false
        "product_id": "17",
        "product": "101 Things Everyone Should Know About Economics A Down and Dirty Guide to Everything from Securities and Derivatives to Interest Rates and Hedge Funds—And What They Mean For You",
        "product_type": "P",
        "parent_product_id": "0",
        "product_code": "G0017HS88V",
        "status": "A",
        "company_id": "1",
        "list_price": "0.00",
        "amount": "19",
        "weight": "0.000",
        "length": "0",
        "width": "0",
        "height": "0",
        "shipping_freight": "0.00",
        "low_avail_limit": "0",
        "timestamp": "1328558400",
        "updated_timestamp": "1328684302",
        "usergroup_ids": "0",
        "is_edp": "N",
        "edp_shipping": "N",
        "unlimited_download": "N",
        "tracking": "B",
        "free_shipping": "N",
        "zero_price_action": "R",
        "is_pbp": "Y",
        "is_op": "N",
        "is_oper": "N",
        "is_returnable": "Y",
        "return_period": "10",
        "avail_since": "0",
        "out_of_stock_actions": "N",
        "localization": "",
        "min_qty": "0",
        "max_qty": "0",
        "qty_step": "0",
        "list_qty_count": "0",
        "tax_ids": "6",
        "age_verification": "N",
        "age_limit": "0",
        "options_type": "P",
        "exceptions_type": "F",
        "details_layout": "default",
        "shipping_params": "a:5:{s:16:\"min_items_in_box\";i:0;s:16:\"max_items_in_box\";i:0;s:10:\"box_length\";i:0;s:9:\"box_width\";i:0;s:10:\"box_height\";i:0;}",
        "price": "11.16",
        "seo_name": "101-things-everyone-should-know-about-economics-a-down-and-dirty-guide-to-everything-from-securities-and-derivatives-to-interest-rates-and-hedge-fundsand-what-they-mean-for-you",
        "seo_path": "219/222",
        "main_category": 222,
        "options_type_raw": null,
        "exceptions_type_raw": null,
        "tracking_raw": null,
        "zero_price_action_raw": null,
        "min_qty_raw": null,
        "max_qty_raw": null,
        "qty_step_raw": null,
        "list_qty_count_raw": null,
        "details_layout_raw": "default",
            "pair_id": "229",
            "image_id": "0",
            "detailed_id": "285",
            "position": "0",
            "object_id": "17",
            "object_type": "product",
                "object_id": "17",
                "object_type": "product",
                "type": "M",
                "image_path": "",
                "alt": "",
                "image_x": "510",
                "image_y": "680",
                "http_image_path": "",
                "https_image_path": "",
                "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/",
                "relative_path": "detailed/0/Z6595.jpg",
                "is_high_res": false
        "base_price": "11.16",
        "has_options": false,
            "A": 0,
            "P": 0
    "area": "A",
    "use_caching": true,
    "pname": "Y",
    "pshort": "Y",
    "pfull": "Y",
    "pkeywords": "Y",
    "type": "simple",
    "page": 1,
    "action": "",
    "features_hash": "",
    "limit": 0,
    "bid": 0,
    "match": "all",
    "get_frontend_urls": false,
    "items_per_page": 2,
    "apply_disabled_filters": "",
    "load_products_extra_data": true,
    "storefront": null,
    "company_ids": "",
    "subcats": "Y",
    "pcode_from_q": "Y",
    "search_performed": "Y",
    "ajax_custom": "1",
    "hide_out_of_stock_products": false,
    "sort_by": "product",
    "sort_order": "asc",
    "include_child_variations": true,
    "group_child_variations": false,
    "sort_order_rev": "desc",
    "total_items": "247"

Get a Specific Product

To get a specific product, send a GET request to /api/products/<product_id>/:

GET /api/products/12

To refer to a specific product in a particular category, send a GET request to /api/categories/:id/products/:id:

GET /api/categories/229/products/12

Product Fields

A product has a number of properties, represented by fields.


The Connect Marketplace REST API always accepts and returns data as strings and arrays/objects. The Values column in the table merely shows what kind of data you can expect in the fields.

Field name Values Description
product string Product name
category_ids Array of valid category IDs IDs of the categories to which the product belongs
main_category Existing category ID ID of the main category
price float The base product price in your store’s primary currency
company_id integer ID of the store or vendor the product belongs to
Product status:
A for Active
D for Disabled
H for Hidden
amount integer The number of products in the stock
avail_since Date in UNIX format Date from which the product is available
box_height integer Box height
box_length integer Box length
box_width integer Box width
details_layout Valid product template name Product details page layout
Only for a downloadable product: Enable/disable shipping
Exception type (Allow/ Forbid products with certain option combinations)
Determines if the Free shipping is allowed
full_description string Full product description
image_pairs object with image pair ID as key and image pair as value (see below) Additional image pairs
Determines if the product is downloadable or not
Language code
list_price float Manufacturer suggested price
list_qty_count integer Number of items in the quantity select box
localization string String of comma-separated localization IDs
low_avail_limit integer Minimal availability in stock value
main_pair Main pair object Product image and thumbnail pair
max_items_in_box integer Maximal number of items per box
max_qty integer Maximal order quantity
meta_description string Meta description
meta_keywords string Meta keywords
min_items_in_box integer Minimal number of items per box
min_qty integer Minimal order quantity
Apply options simultaneously (P) or sequentially (S)
Out of stock action:
N for None
B for Buy in advance
S for Sign up for notification
page_title string Product page title
point_price float Price in reward points
popularity integer Product popularity rating based on views, adding to cart, and purchases
product_code string Product code
product_features object that contains product features with feature ID as key and feature data as value Product features
product_id integer Product ID
promo_text string Promo text that appears on the product page on the storefront
qty_step integer Quantity step
return_period integer Return period in days
sales_amount integer Sales amount
search_words string Search keywords for the product
seo_name string SEO name for the product page
Only for the Store Builder Ultimate: determines if the Product is shared on storefronts
shipping_freight float Shipping freight
shipping_params string Aggregated shipping data
short_description string Short description
tax_ids array Array of tax IDs which are selected for the Product
timestamp Valid timestamp in UNIX format Creation timestamp
Inventory tracking mode
B for “Track”
D for “Do not track”
For EDP (downloadable products): determines if a product can be downloaded a limited number of times (N), or as many times as needed (Y)
updated_timestamp Valid timestamp in UNIX format Last update timestamp
usergroup_ids String of comma-separated user group IDs IDs of user groups that can see this product
weight float Weight
Zero price action
R for “Do not allow customers to add product to cart”
P for “Allow customers to add product to cart”
A for “Ask customer to enter the price”

Product Images (Pairs)

A pair of the full product image and (optionally) a thumbnail.

Field name Values Description
detailed_id integer ID of the full image
image_id integer ID of the thumbnail
pair_id integer ID of the image pair
position integer Position of the image pair among others
icon object (similar to detailed) Thumbnail data
detailed object Full image data
absolute_path Valid filesystem path Absolute filesystem path to the image
alt string Alternative text (show if the image fails to load)
http_image_path Valid HTTP URL pointing to the image HTTP path to the image
image_path Valid URL pointing to the image Actual image path (HTTP or HTTPS; may be the same as http_image_path)
image_x integer Image width in pixels
image_y integer Image height in pixels

Response Format

Let’s make a test request:

GET request to /api/products/12

The response is JSON with the following data:

"product_id": "12",
"product": "100g Pants",
"product_type": "P",
"parent_product_id": "0",
"product_code": "U0012O5AF0",
"status": "A",
"company_id": "1",
"list_price": "31.00",
"amount": "10",
"weight": "0.000",
"length": "0",
"width": "0",
"height": "0",
"shipping_freight": "0.00",
"low_avail_limit": "0",
"timestamp": "1328558400",
"updated_timestamp": "1383893547",
"usergroup_ids": "0",
"is_edp": "N",
"edp_shipping": "N",
"unlimited_download": "N",
"tracking": "B",
"free_shipping": "N",
"zero_price_action": "R",
"is_pbp": "Y",
"is_op": "N",
"is_oper": "N",
"is_returnable": "Y",
"return_period": "10",
"avail_since": "0",
"out_of_stock_actions": "N",
"localization": "",
"min_qty": "0",
"max_qty": "0",
"qty_step": "0",
"list_qty_count": "0",
"tax_ids": "6",
"age_verification": "N",
"age_limit": "0",
"options_type": "P",
"exceptions_type": "F",
"details_layout": "default",
"shipping_params": "a:5:{s:16:\"min_items_in_box\";i:0;s:16:\"max_items_in_box\";i:0;s:10:\"box_length\";i:0;s:9:\"box_width\";i:0;s:10:\"box_height\";i:0;}",
"price": "30.00",
"seo_name": "100g-pants",
"seo_path": "223/224",
"main_category": 224,
"options_type_raw": null,
"exceptions_type_raw": null,
"tracking_raw": null,
"zero_price_action_raw": null,
"min_qty_raw": null,
"max_qty_raw": null,
"qty_step_raw": null,
"list_qty_count_raw": null,
"details_layout_raw": "default",
    "pair_id": "823",
    "image_id": "0",
    "detailed_id": "879",
    "position": "0",
    "object_id": "12",
    "object_type": "product",
        "object_id": "12",
        "object_type": "product",
        "type": "M",
        "image_path": "",
        "alt": "",
        "image_x": "500",
        "image_y": "500",
        "http_image_path": "",
        "https_image_path": "",
        "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/",
        "relative_path": "detailed/0/173283_0113298267324f438bac97eaf.jpg",
        "is_high_res": false
"base_price": "30.00",
"has_options": true,
"list_discount": 1,
"list_discount_prc": "3",
    "A": 0,
    "P": 0
        "feature_id": "18",
        "value": "",
        "value_int": null,
        "variant_id": "86",
        "feature_type": "E",
        "internal_name": "Brand",
        "description": "Brand",
        "prefix": "",
        "suffix": "",
        "variant": "Adidas",
        "parent_id": "0",
        "display_on_header": "Y",
        "display_on_catalog": "N",
        "display_on_product": "N",
        "feature_code": "",
        "purpose": "organize_catalog",
        "features_hash": "10-86",
                "value": "",
                "value_int": null,
                "variant_id": "86",
                "variant": "Adidas",
                    "pair_id": "875",
                    "image_id": "1006",
                    "detailed_id": "0",
                    "position": "0",
                    "object_id": "86",
                    "object_type": "feature_variant",
                        "image_path": "",
                        "alt": "",
                        "image_x": "200",
                        "image_y": "133",
                        "http_image_path": "",
                        "https_image_path": "",
                        "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/",
                        "relative_path": "feature_variant/1/Adidas_Logo.svg.png",
                        "is_high_res": false

Create a Product

Store Builder Send a POST request to /api/stores/<company_id>/products/
Multi-Vendor Send a POST request to /api/products/

To create a new product, send a POST request with required fields in JSON: category_ids, product.

Example JSON: Create a Product

"product": "Product Name",
"category_ids": "166",
"price": "1000"

This request creates a product with minimum required details: a name, a main category ID and a price.

Example JSON: Create a Product for a Particular Vendor

Vendors are independent companies that sell their own products in your marketplace. To create a product for a specific Vendor you will need to add their vendor_id in a request.

Send a POST request to api/vendors/1/products:

"product": "Vendor's Product Name",
"category_ids": "166",
"price": "1000"

This request creates a product for the Vendor with a vendor_id=1 and minimum Product Details.

Example JSON: Create a Product with Images


A product can have multiple images. You can specify them in the image_pairs object. It must come before the main_pair object with the main product image.

"product": "Product Name",
"category_ids": "166",
"price": "1000",
        "object_type": "product",
        "detailed": {
            "object_type": "product",
            "type": "A",
            "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/", // Absolute filesystem path to the image
            "alt": "This is where the alt text for the image goes.",
        "object_type": "product",
        "detailed": {
            "object_type": "product",
            "type": "A",
            "alt": "This is where the alt text for the image goes.",
            "relative_path": "detailed/0/additional_image2.jpg" // Relative filesystem path to the image
"main_pair": {
    "object_type": "product",
    "detailed": {
        "object_type": "product",
        "type": "M",
        "image_path": "", // Valid URL pointing to the image
        "alt": "This is where the alt text for the image goes."

This request creates a product with a price, the Active status, a main and 2 additional images. Images must be already uploaded on your server, or available somewhere on the Internet.

In this example we have uploaded 3 images:

  • The main_image.jpg in the main_pair parameter is the main product image. It was uploaded from with the image_path parameter, which means it is added with a URL from the Internet.
  • The additional_image1.jpg is the additional image of a product. It was uploaded on the server via FTP. The path to the image is specified in the absolute_path parameter of the detailed object.
  • The additional_image2.jpg is also an additional image, but it was uploaded in the Files section in the Admin panel. That’s why it can be specified in the relative_path parameter.

Response Format

  • The product has been created successfully: HTTP/1.1 201 Created and the JSON with the new product_id:

    "product_id": 391
  • The product couldn’t be created: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.

Update a Product

To update an existing product, send the PUT request to /api/products/<product_id>/. For example:

PUT /api/product/12

Example JSON: Update Product Details

"product": "100g Pants Updated",
"price": "31.00",
"list_price": "35.00",
"amount": "15"

This request updates the Product Name, the List Price, the Price, and the Quantity of the particular Product.

Example JSON: Update a Product Image

    "6759": {
        "pair_id": "6759",
        "image_id": "0",
        "detailed_id": "8665",
        "position": "1",
        "object_id": "180",
        "object_type": "product",
        "detailed": {
            "object_id": "180",
            "object_type": "product",
            "type": "A",
            "image_path": "", // Valid URL pointing to the image
            "alt": "This is where the alt text for the image goes.",
            "image_x": "600",
            "image_y": "396",
            "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/", // Absolute filesystem path to the image
            "relative_path": "detailed/0/additional_image.jpg",
"main_pair": {
    "pair_id": "650",
    "image_id": "0",
    "detailed_id": "706",
    "position": "0",
    "object_id": "180",
    "object_type": "product",
    "detailed": {
        "object_id": "180",
        "object_type": "product",
        "type": "M",
        "image_path": "", // Valid URL pointing to the image
        "alt": "This is where the alt text for the image goes.",
        "image_x": "600",
        "image_y": "600",
        "absolute_path": "/srv/projects/", // Absolute filesystem path to the image
        "relative_path": "detailed/0/main_image.jpg",


A product can have multiple images. You can specify them in the image_pairs object. It must come before the main_pair object with the main product image.

This request updates the Main image and the Additional image of the particular Product. It replaces the already existent images of the product with new ones. Images can be updated separately: for example, to update the additional image, you will need to specify the corresponding field - image_pairs. The image of the product can be uploaded on your server or added with URL.

  • To specify the image uploaded to your server, use the absolute_path parameter of the detailed object.
  • To specify the image hosted on another server, use the image_url parameter of the detailed object.
  • To create a product with the main image, use the main_pair object.
  • To add the additional image of the product, use the image_pairs object.

Example JSON: Update a Product to Add a Feature

To add an existing Product Feature to a product, send a PUT request to api/products/<product_id>:

        "feature_id": "18",
        "variant_id": "86",
                "variant_id": "86",
                "variant": "Adidas"

This request adds the existing feature Brand with feature_id=18 and a feature variant Adidas with variant_id=86 to the product.

Response Format

  • The product has been updated successfully: HTTP/1.1 200 OK and JSON with product_id.
  • The product couldn’t be updated: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
  • The product doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.

Delete a Product

To delete a product, send a DELETE request to the /api/products/<product_id>. For example:

DELETE /api/products/12/

This request will delete the product with product_id=12.

Response Format

  • The product has been deleted successfully: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.
  • The product couldn’t be deleted: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
  • The product doesn’t exist: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.


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